A sub-investigation of The Department of Energy Scandal This is a live investigation. This document will continue to be revised. Keep checking back. Highlights: - Federal bribes are never clean. They always become complicated because of the "I want some too" factor - The transactions, and documented quid pro quo, not only qualify for, but exceed, the requirements for Federal Racketeering indictments - When an adjacent entity finds out there is a bribe going on, they can use the knowledge of the bribe to extort sub-bribes - Party One = Billionaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech" - Party Two = DNC and Presidential campaign office - Party Two point five = The White House - Party Three = Goldman Sachs - Parties Four+ = Aligned Silicon Valley Venture Capital Groups - Parties Five+ = Russian investors - Parties Six+ = General Motors, Ford, Nissan and Chrysler working as a consortium - Transacted item 1 = Free NASA jet fuel, NASA partial agency closure and exclusive private supplier contracts to Space X, NASA Ames airport exclusive hand-over for Google & billionaire jets as payback for campaign resources - Transacted item 2 = Exclusive free federal taxpayer cash from Department of Energy in spite of low credit ratings and failing reviews in actual side-by-side comparisons of ALL applicants - Transacted item 3 = Exclusive tax credits, exclusive carbon credits, exclusive factory fee discounts, exclusive employee tax waivers, and land discounts from state underwritten by feds - Transacted item 4 = First position in federal contract allocations - Transacted item 5 = Real estate discounts and ongoing revenue upsides from contiguous Tesla/Solyndra real estate and pass-along leases which Senator Feinstein's family exploited - Transacted item 6 = Loans by Billonaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech" to Senators campaign PACs and funds - Transacted item 7 = Loans by Billonaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech" to DNC and Presidential campaign office campaign PACs and funds via conduited means - Transacted item 8 = Payments of campaign bills by Billionaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech via conduit-ed means - Transacted item 9 = Provision of Search Engine manipulation, mood manipulation and competing interest web-search deletion on Silicon Valley global web architecture - Transacted item 10 = Sex workers as deal incentives - Transacted item 11 = Provision of federal funds and filings in a manner intended to be used for, and which were used to alter SEC securities filings, aligned with manipulated news distribution by insiders in order to defraud the stock market and falsify stock values for personal profit relative to Tesla, Solyndra, Abound, Fisker and related entities - Transacted item 12 = The service, provided by the Department of Energy, whereby all competitors to the stock portfolios of the Billonaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech" were terminated, stone-walled and review-manipulated by the actions of the Department of Energy - Transacted item 13 = Revolving door jobs for White House and DOE staff in exchange for favorable federal decisions - Transacted item 14 = Custom authored white-papers by McKinsey Consulting, the content of which was directed by Billionaire campaign backers, who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech, and Steven Chu, Steven Spinner and Matt Rogers, who then became the heads of the DOE funding. These White Papers were distributed to the White House and Congress by lobbyists working for the Billionaire campaign backers who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech". The white-papers were constructed in order to give a false impression of Clean-tech and happened to favor only the stock investments of Billionaire campaign backers, who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech". The manipulated white-papers were used to sell Congress, via contrived data, on plans beneficial only to the Billionaire campaign backers, who were investors in Google, Tesla and "CleanTech - Transacted item 15 = Possible terminations. An inordinately large number of individuals connected to this bribe died during this event. All of the deaths were unexpected, untimely, non-indicated by current medical conditions and game-changing by ironically reducing the risk of exposure in most of the cases - Transacted item 16 = Orders by White House staff, to DOJ, SEC & FBI to "leave this matter alone for now". Ordered failure-to-enforce - Transacted item 17 = Senior position Jobs at DOE and DOJ - Transacted item 18 = Lack of review, "don't observe" process as Solyndra, Abound, Fisker, etc. were immediately failing. Orders to avoid noticing the failures in order to cover up campaign negatives - Transacted item 19 = Down-favoring of non portfolio and competing technologies by the Department of Energy via Steven Chu, thus removing them from support and off the playing field